How to build a brand from scratch

So you have a fantastic idea for a product and you want to build a brand from scratch. How do you do that? In this post I'll show you the specific steps to building a brand that resonates, that gets you sales and really develop the kind of visuals, verbals and experiences that your audiences will love.

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Badass Brand Books #1: Culture built my brand

The first in a series of book summaries where I cover the key points of brand books I think are pretty badass. Welcome to Badass Brand Books! The BBBs! This book by Mark Miller and Ted Vaughn gives us a great insight into how do we infuse brand into the culture of an organization. A fantastic book filled with numerous stories and great tips on how to really bring a brand aligned culture to life.

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Waking up at 4.30 a.m. - Day 30

What is a habit? We all know what it is, because we all have them, but when can we truly categorize it as a habit? When does it truly become auto pilot? My belief is that a habit is formed when you find yourself noticing when you don't do something rather than when you do something. Feeling the film of build up on your teeth when you haven't brushed your teeth, feeling lethargic when you haven't worked out for the day.

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Waking up at 4.30 a.m. - Day 7

These first seven days were tough. I sat in the dark for 15 min on day three and after shoveling snow the night before day five, I really did not want to get up.

My inner voice continued to dish out undermining thoughts and was really loud. It kept telling me how early it was and my writing was essentially useless and it was not going to change anything. And I just kept telling myself these three things…

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Waking up at 4.30 a.m. - Day 1

I am not a morning person, but I had to give this a shot. My silent alarm buzzed and I frantically tapped on it to shut it off. I bought a Fitbit especially for this experiment as I wanted a quiet way to wake up without disturbing my wife. My reptilian brain was on full throttle before I rolled out from under the covers. "why don't we start on a Monday?"

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