Hello! I’m Howie Chan.

While I’m not green and I don’t have pointy ears, you can think of me as your “Yoda” to your inner Jedi. I write about strategies that can help you attract the right opportunitites and establish your authority.


Legends are made, not born.

Taking the best strategies and ideas from scientific studies and the legends among us, I launched Legend Letters in August 2023 to educate people about all the ways we can attract what we want, establish our authority in order to make our mark and turn up the volume on life.


My Story

“I’m sorry to inform you that your position no longer exists.”


Cold and calculated.

After eight and a half years, everything crashed down on me on March 31st, 2022. A brisk Wednesday morning where painters were in my house brightening up our walls, I get on a virtual call to meet my doom.

I was devastated - just crushed.

My dream job of being a Managing Director of Brand Strategy just disappeared, with no fanfare and goodbyes.

Over the next few months, I experienced shame, guilt, resentment - I wrestled with my identity as I navigated what to do next.

I wrote about my emotional roller coaster HERE


When one door closes, another one opens. Instead of joining another firm, I doubled down on myself and launched Healthy Brand Consulting, a brand and business design micro-agency working with healthcare companies large and small.

Since then, I’ve helped numerous companies with their brand strategy and also started an executive brand coaching practice.

I tell folks all the time, being self-employed to me is a mix of anxiety and liberation. I can literally do whatever I want to, as long as I meet my revenue numbers.


July 14th, 2023, the sh*t hit the fan.

I woke up at midnight in so much pain. It was sharp and angry, coming from my stomach. I was on the floor hyperventilating and sweating. I struggled to speak and using all my strength, managed to whisper to my wife “Hey sweet, I’m in trouble…”

The next few hours was a blur.

Paramedics. Ambulance. Emergency Room.


Howie not doing so good


I endured 48 hours of being poked, prodded, with nothing to eat but sips of water, I went from 100% healthy to a pile of mush laying in bed - my personal hell.

I had no clue what was in store for me, with needles sticking out of my arm and occasional visits from the nurses (read about how I went from the ER to a PR - Personal Record).

In the midst of all that, I was thinking about my work. I loved what I'm doing, but something wasn't quite right. I felt something was missing.

I thought about my passions and curiosities.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been interested in:

  • Personal development

  • Human behavior

  • Neuroscience

  • Productivity

  • Storytelling

  • Psychology

  • Leadership

  • Creativity

  • Habits

  • Brand

Suddenly it occurred to me, like a lightning striking the top of my dome.


Why do we follow certain types of people? Be part of cultural movements? Have undying loyalty for some companies?

My greater question of trying to understand how we find attraction, who we trust unconditionally has me on a life-long quest.

And so Legend Letters was born.

A weekly newsletter to share everything I’m learning - about the hidden forces of influence and attraction to help you grow your business, your brands, and your life.


Legend Letters is the resource I wish I had years ago, when I was laid-off and left to my own devices. I certainly don’t profess to have all the answers and probably never will. What I do promise is to share what I’ve learned along the way to my version of legendary so you can benefit from it.

In the words of Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Join me and thousands of others on this journey.


Make your mark, live your legend🤘🏽,


Howie Chan